Sunday, April 27, 2008

11 Months

My Dearest Reagan,

It's so hard to believe you are 11 months. Where has the time gone? It feels like yesterday that we welcomed you into this world. You have been an amazing baby. You eat and sleep wonderfully. I think you love both a little too much. You would probably sleep through the day if we'd let you. Right now, you sleep at least 12 hours at night, take a 45 minute nap in the morning and about 3 hour nap in the afternoon (hopefully the same time as your brother). When you wake up, you are incredibly happy. You smile non-stop. We get so tickled at you because you're so happy that it seems you can hardly stand it.

You are getting closer and closer to walking. You're definitely taking your time. The other night you were holding on to a chair and let go to take one step towards daddy. We were so excited. So we know it's not long. You're constantly on the go. You always find something to stand on and walk with. You crawl super fast. Poor're always chasing her. You really seem to love her.

I love watching you when we throw pillows and blankets on the floor. You fall back and just giggle. You move so fast to get them. All the while, you laugh so hard. It's funny to watch you with your brother. He always tries to pick you up and throw you around. You just laugh at him. Now sometimes, you get quite the attitude. I call you "sassy". You fight to keep what's yours. It's a little amusing, yet it scares me a little. I can only imagine what you'll be like when you get a little older. I do believe we'll be in trouble.

You have two beautiful two beautiful teeth on bottom and two on top. So far you're handling getting new teeth with no problem.

I love listening to you talk. You call your brother bubba and even sometimes attempt to say Kaden. It sounds pretty darn close. You always try to copy what Kaden says. Then it goes back and forth for several minutes. It's a little game you two play. You pick up on things so quickly. You say, uh-oh, mamma, dada, bubba, Kaden, baba (bottle), and somewhat kitty. You are very spoiled being the only girl on both sides of our family for so long. We love you more than you could ever know. We take advantage of those times when you let us hold you or when you get sleepy and cuddle next to us. Our little baby is growing up way too fast. Could you please slow it down a little? It's hard to believe next month you will be 1 year old. I love you my sweet baby girl.

