Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Super Kid

When I got to the sitter's yesterday, Kaden's name was on the wall. This wall usually displays who has used the potty and how many times. It also says if somebody has a diaper rash, fever, or seemed upset for some reason. Then of course, it lists kids who have hit, pushed, and bit. Kaden is never on there for those reasons unless somebody hit, pushed or bit him. He is, however on there for climbing onto furniture and jumping. That's my kid. Then finally there's the names of kids who do nice things like help clean up, share, and be nice to others.

But when I got there I noticed some words in big letters that were outlined in a big circle and lots of exclamation marks. Inside it said, "Super kid of the day...KADEN!!!!" I know it sounds silly to be excited about this, but over the summer Kaden has experienced his terrible 2's. Kaden never hits or gets violent at all, but he does do a good temper tantrum. One where he yells no, stomps his feet and sometimes falls on the floor. Alot of times this happens when he is not feeling well or is extremely tired. It just so happens that during the summer he may not take a nap everyday. This is because we're either not at home or he has slept too late. So, for last 2 weeks, the tantrums have become minimal and controllable. And the times that I have taken him to Ms. Sharon's, he has been awesome. He is so sweet. She said yesterday he was sharing, being very polite, cleaning up, and helping others. She said he has been just awesome lately. I was so proud of him. Oh and by the way, there has never been a super kid of the day. This was a first!!!!

So I thought he was having such an awesome day and I had to go to Wal-Mart so I decided to take the kiddos with me on the way home. This is usually the worst time of the day and the lines are super long causing the kids to get a little impatient. So lately, either me or Wade goes to the store without the kids. It just becomes such a hassle with both of them...and so hot getting them in and out of the car. But yesterday the kids were great. Kaden listened to me and did everything I asked of him. The best is when I tell him thank you for something and in a high pitched voice he replies, "You welcome". You'd have to hear it to understand. So adorable. So yesterday was a wonderful day.

Unfortunately when we got home, Kaden got a little dose of diarrhea. (I know, I know, TMI). Reagan's had it since Saturday. I feel like all I do is change sheets. The good news is it doesn't seem to bother them at all (no throwing up, fever, etc.). I just hope it's not something Wade catches since he starts his next treatment Friday. We'll keep our fingers crossed!


Kahla said...

WTG Kaden!!!