Saturday, August 16, 2008

Where's Weagan?

So last week I went to work several days. I was kind of back in the morning routine. I usually get ready first and then I get the kids ready. When I came into the living room, I turned on the big light, and then went to the laundry room (which is on the opposite side of the hallway from Kaden's room). I turned the hall light on. I suppose this woke Kaden up. It was still a little dark outside. Anyway, when I came back into the living room, Kaden comes out of his room. He has the most adorable sleepy face. He asks me, "Where's Weagan?" I tell him, "Well baby, she's still sleeping." Thinking he was going to stay awake, I was getting ready to put on The Backyardigans and when I turned around I see his door shut. So I assume he went to his room to play with his toys. Oh no...he went right back to bed and covered up. After I got ready, I went in to get him up and asked him, "Where did you go? I thought you were getting up." He just started laughing. It was so cute! I guess since he didn't have Reagan to play with, he decided he should just go back to sleep. He loves that little girl!

Speaking of Reagan, here are a few funny things she did this week...

-the first thing she says in the morning is, "Hello". I wish you could hear it. It is so funny!

- She is extremely fascinated with shoes. She finds them in places I didn't know we had shoes. She found one of Kaden's crocs and literally walked around with it all night. It didn't bother her at all that she didn't have the other one.

- She loves when you tell her she's so pretty. She lifts her dresses up a bit and twirls them. Give her a purse or a headband and she's even more beautiful!

- She's learned to take her diaper off. The other night, we went through 3 diapers in like 5 minutes. I'd look up and see her playing with her shirt on and nothing else. It's like she would rather prefer it this way!

- Apparently my daughter does things the opposite way. Who says you have to eat an ice cream cone from top to bottom? Nah! Reagan eats the cone first. Oh yes, imagine the mess.

- She started singing Old MacDonald Had a Farm. If you sing the first part, she says, "E I E I O". She then tries to make a pig noise by growling! Oh and she now says Q, R, S in the alphabet song.

- She loves puppies! She is always walking around with a puppy book saying "Puppy" over and over. She then barks.

- She has such good manners...saying thank you after her big brother gives her something. She even says sorry if she does something to hurt him or his feelings.

- She is a little bossy. If we're telling Kaden to do something, she gives her opinion and lets him have it. But she loves him dearly! She's just looking out for him.