Friday, May 30, 2008

Mission Complete

YAY!!!! Kaden actually went to bed before 9:00 last night! Hopefully we can keep this up. It was a little hard though because he kept screaming, "Mama" over and over. When I opened the door to tell him goodnight (again), he yelled "No!" So I told him I loved him and shut the door. Then he started yelling, "I wanna lub you" at least 4 times before I walked back in and told him I loved him too.

And I know how this goes. Once you start bragging about how good of a night it was, it will go the complete opposite direction the next night. We'll see. The kids are staying with their Aunt Wendy for a little bit today. I'm a little nervous I have to say, but I'm that way when they stay with anybody for the 1st time. Wade's doing his treatment and I'm going to my cousin's graduation with my mom. The kids love Bryce and Taylor so I know they'll have a good time.

So, here's to another good night with both of my boys. I pray that Wade has another great round of chemo (if you can even use great and chemo in the same line!).