Saturday, May 31, 2008

Funny Stuff

So, at this very moment I am sitting next to Wade in the hospital room where he does his chemo. They have increased the time that he is here. They now give him a few drugs before he starts the actual chemo that is supposed to help with the side affects of chemo (nausea, dizziness, etc.). Then his ifosphomide is increased to an extra hour. His treatments now last about 5 - 6 hours as opposed to the 2 - 3 hours.

Now, to the funny stuff. They have prescribed a drug to Wade that helps with his nausea. It's this little tiny round pill called marinol. What is that you ask? Well, it is basically marijuana in a pill. It is the legalized marijuana that you always hear so much about. Well, he's got it and when he takes it you never know what to expect. Now he usually just lays in bed and sleeps. So when he started talking out of nowhere it caught me a little off guard. He first asked me if I remember when my friend Robbie told Wade that he better marry me. I didn't remember it and I asked him for details and unfortunately all I got was, "I don't know. She told me a couple of times." Then I ask him what made him think of this and his response was, "You wouldn't believe the things that are going through my head. I feel like I've been laying here an hour and it's only been 5 minutes." This conversation was soon interrupted when he sees a commercial and yells, "I want some of that". It was a dog food commercial. Though to his defense, it was one of those commercials where they really make the food look good enough for us to eat. But, he kept going on and on about how good it looked and how it looked like soup. Now he is exclaiming he wants some of that soup!

Okay, so maybe you had to be there. Actually listening to him get excited about the dog food/soup was pretty amusing to me. If you saw him, you'd be laughing too.