Monday, April 12, 2010

Fever, Fever, Fever!

Let me back up a bit to Saturday. I came up to the hospital to spend the day with Wade. I brought him Arby's (his request) with horsey sauce (yuck!!). I would stop to get him anything he asked as long as he eats. Eating is a big thing. Probably 20 minutes after he ate, he began having severe chest pains. He tried sitting up, walking, laying down...nothing was making it better. They took it seriously and immediately had one of his doctors come in. They ordered an EKG, chest x-ray and blood work. All came back clear. He was in pain for the longest time. He said it was the worse pain he's ever felt and that if had to guess, it had to feel as bad as a heart attack. It was pretty scary. His pain medicine didn't even touch it. After a couple of hours, he was at least able to sleep. They think the cause was the horsey sauce!!

Today he started running a fever. It is currently at 100.3. They took some cultures and now we just wait. They're giving him antibiotics for the fever. He's been sleeping a lot. His doctor came in and is giving him the option to stop the chemo for now and go home. They said he got the biggest part of it and it may be best for him to stop. I guess once they get the fever under control they'll prepare for him to go. I'll find out tomorrow what the final decision is.

Reagan's been running a fever since Friday. It was pretty low grade until Saturday night. She was complaining that her ear hurt so I was pretty sure we were facing an ear infection. I took her in today and they had to clean out one of ears three times (she was amazingly tough). Her ears ended up being clear. Her chest and her throat looked good too. She does have a yucky cough though. So they're thinking it's viral. I just wish her fever wasn't so high. This morning it was 102.5. Saturday it got up past 103. Fever is sooooo scary. But the good news is that she's okay for now. If her fever stays above 100 by Wednesday, I have to call the doctor. I just hope and pray that fever stays down. Unfortunately, I had to take off today and tomorrow. Financially it's not the best situation to be in right now, but I keep telling myself things really good be worse and I should count my blessings. The good thing is I get to spend quality time with the kiddos. Kaden plays outside all day and by the end of the day, he pretty much blends in with the dirt pile. Like I said, things could be worse!!! :)