Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sickness and Good Hearts

Wade did his first round of the new chemo. He went in on Monday and then had his shot on Tuesday. He's really doing great considering. He was feeling so good that he went to work on Thursday and Friday after being off for months. Unfortunately a little bug struck our family and Reagan had strep and Kaden had a fever with lots of congestion. I think Wade caught a hold of what they had and he ended up with fever too. I had to take off Thursday for Reagan and then I took off Friday for Kaden. That's usually how this works. One gets sick and then they all get sick. Knock on wood, I've been fine...just extremely exhausted from not getting sleep because I was checking on all three kids every 2 hours. But today is a good day. Praise the Lord.

For the last few weeks, my good friend Carla and my friends at my school have been working hard to collect money through our school district for our family. They offered a Jeans Week to each school. If anybody from the schools wished to participate it would cost them a minimum of $10.00. As of last week, 13 schools participated and they raised a total of $3200. Wow! I am just speechless!!! It couldn't have come a better time. My family feels EXTREMELY blessed that so many people were moved by our story and helped us out more than they could ever imagine! It literally brought tears to my eyes.

And with this news, I learned that our Sunshine Committee decided to give our family Christmas!!!!! Talk about CRYING!!! I honestly didn't even know what to say. I was told to make a list of the things the kids wanted, what Wade and I wanted AND other things that needed repairing, such as our cars. I'm not even sure how to put into words what I was feeling the moment I was told this good news. It's hard for me to think that Christmas was going to be nearly impossible for us this year. I think I stayed in denial that it was going to be fine...or maybe I just prayed REALLY hard that it would all work out somehow. Boy did it!

Though it's been a super crazy week, we're all starting to feel better. And to think we have so many wonderful people in our couldn't get any better than that. We are EXTREMELY blessed!

Though we are starting to feel better, my brother J.R. is having more problems with his eyes (see and for just a little background on the things he's been through). This past week, on his birthday, he was in the hospital for a staph infection on his face. He went home but has had an upper respiratory infection. He's been coughing quite a bit, which is believed to be the reason why he is now unable to see out of his only good eye. They believe his eye has hemmorged. The blood is covering the lens of his eye. The good news is retina is still attached but he will have to get his blood pressure and blood sugar under control. His blood pressure was 172/90 and they said if it got 175/95 he would have to go to the emergency room immediately. They are hoping the blood on the lens will clear up on its own. He goes to the doctor on Tuesday and hopefully if they blood hasn't cleared, they will be able to put a syringe in his eye and draw the blood out like they've done before. Please, please, please pray for good news!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Wade went to the doctor today for the results from his scans. Unfortunately, all of the tumors have grown. The biggest one grew 1 cm and the other four tumors grew just a bit. Enough to be annoying and cause the doctors to look to other options. They feel that possibly Wade has become immune in a way to the Ifosfamide. They will now start him on Adriamycin (AKA "The Red Devil"). This was the first chemo he had ever received back in 2003. When he did it then, he would do at least 3 or 4 days back and forth from the hospital to home. He would also have a little backpack that continuously pumped non-stop all those days. For now though, they are choosing to only do one day of it and then home he goes. He will come back the next day for a a Neulasta shot (see for more info on this). Of course he will continue to do blood work 3 times a week, but other than that, he wouldn't do anymore treatment for 21 days. So the good news is that he does not have to be admitted into the hospital. The bad news is that the last time Wade did this chemo, he had a really hard time (hence the nickname "red devil"). However, we're hoping because it's only one day, it will be a little different. So this is definitely not news we hoped for, but we are continuing to pray, pray, pray!!! He will begin this new round of chemo on Monday.

For a little background on Wade and his cancer go to And if anybody knows how to insert a one word link, feel free to let me know!! I haven't quite figured that out! :) Lots of love to you all!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Reagan's Dance Recital

I am super excited about Reagan's upcoming dance recital in December. She's been practicing during dance class for the last month or so. She loves dance! They're dancing to, "Rocking Around the Christmas Tree" and one other teddy bear song. Here's a picture of what her costume looks like...


Cute, huh?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Baby is FIVE!

Yes it is true! Kaden is officially 5 years old today. On this day, five years ago, at exactly 7:07 p.m., Kaden made me a mommy. It was the most magical moment and everything I had ever dreamed of (even if he came out peeing on daddy!). I'll never forget the feelings that I felt the first time I held him. He had a head full of blonde hair and personality like no other. He still has that blonde, blonde hair and the most loving, hilarious personality. He is such a smart boy. A boy at best. The kid loves dirt. He might as well be called "Pig-Pen." He tends to turn a nice dirt color once he's been outside for only seconds. He loves Power Rangers right now and pretty much everything red. He uses all of his mee-maw's rags as capes and pretends he's an actual power ranger. He's pretty good at the drums and he drives us crazy as he bangs on them and sings the many different theme songs of Power Rangers". He gives the best hugs and says "I love you" at least 5 times a day (to just me alone). He loves his sister and his daddy and I couldn't ask for anything more. He calls them both his best friends. He is by far a mommy's boy and I'm okay with that. He's my buddy! I love that boy with all I have. I can't imagine life without him. When I tell him I'm so sad that he's growing up too fast, he never fails to tell me, "I'll always be your baby boy mommy!" Happy Birthday my sweet baby boy!!

November 3, 2005 - Mommy and Kaden

First Birthday - First Haircut

Two Years Old

Three Years Old

Four Years Old

Five Years Old