Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day and an Update on Wade

Today was the first day of school! I'm sort of short on words. All I can really say is I am exhausted and my feet HURT! My back was good until the end of the day. And even then, it wasn't horrible. I have a pretty good class. So far I only have 14 kids though I'm sure that number will grow. More to come on school.

I've been meaning to add an update on Wade. Several weeks ago he went to the doctor for his check-up. He currently has 5 tumors in his lungs (he did have six!!!) Two of them have grown since the last time he went. So the doctor explained that there was a possibility of doing a new vaccine that has had a wonderful outcome in some patients. It could stop the growth of the tumors. He had to have something in his blood that allowed him to take this vaccine. Unfortunately, he didn't have this special something. So, the doctor (who is EXTREMELY smart) is looking into other clinical trials. Usually when you hear this, you think the worst. This is not the last resort. The doctor knows how much Wade hates chemo and is looking for other options. Of course if he HAD to, he would do this again.

Wade is amazingly optimistic and feels really good about everything. So more to come as we hear more. Please keep praying for his healing.

On a brighter note, our friend Brandi took some really good pictures of the kids when we went to their house to hangout one night. I LOVE them. Check them out here..


The Lukefahrs said...

I hope you had a good rest of the week back at school! Talked to Granny on Thursday... We are praying for Wade. Let me know if there's anything we can do for y'all! Love you.