Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I'm so excited. We just got back our pictures that we took last week. I can't wait to share them. Kaci Woodroome from Sweet Southern Style Photography did an AMAZING job!!! I promise to share soon. Until then, I found one of Wade's old posts from his blog that I wanted to share...

I am about to start another wonderful round of chemo. I am so excited. The Dr wants me to do the last 2 rounds that I didn't finish last time. I am a little worried because the last 2 from last year were pretty rough. I remember going to the hospital to begin the treatment and then I wake up 5 days later not really knowing where I am. Its a scary feeling to lose days.
We had Easter at my parent's house today. It was a lot of fun. It's truly amazing to watch holidays through the eyes of a child. Sometimes I get glimpses of my childhood through my kid's faces and reactions. I was blessed to have a wonderful childhood. I hope to give my kids that same collection of memories that I have. I am so fortunate to know my gifts from God and to actually know how fortunate I am.
Sometimes when I tell people how blessed I am I get strange reactions. Sometimes people think this disease defines me or takes my joy out of life. It is quite the opposite. I take everyday life a gift and I have perspective that I never would have had without it. It's a given that I wish I could have learned this lesson without it but so be it. I am healed and I am just waiting for God to show me on his time.

See, I told you he was pretty awesome!