Today you turn two. It's so hard to believe. You have changed so much. You have become quite a big girl. Your personality is really taking shape. I've noticed that lately you do a lot of the same things and facial expressions as your brother. You put your own little twist to them though.
Every person you come across is instantly drawn to you. You have a way to make people melt. You sing non-stop. In the car ride home, it's constant singing. Your favorite is "Old MacDonald". And on his farm, all he seems to have are cows. You LOVE Baby Einstein and beg to watch it every night before you go to sleep. Just what we need...a bad habit in the making.
We just started swimming again for the summer. You HATED it at first. You cried hysterically and layed your head on daddy's shoulder the first time in. Now, I know you don't remember, but you LOVED the water last year. However, this past weekend, you finally opened up and we had a hard time getting you out. I can't wait to watch you all summer long in the pool.
You are extremely spoiled. You rarely get in trouble. And when you do, you cry so hard that you begin gagging. It's as if you are about to throw up. A little dramatic I know, but you really do get this honestly I must say. ;) Daddy can't stand to hear you cry. Mommy's a lot stronger at making you stay in time out than Daddy. However, I melt too once you start yelling "Mommy, I'm sorry!"
I love when you wake up in the morning. You start out by quietly calling me. I love to wait though because it gradually turns into a yell. This is only something you can laugh at if you've heard it. It's impossible to describe.
You had your first haircut May 9th. Suzanne cut your hair. She gave Kaden his first haircut too. But the best thing is that she also gave me my first perm when I was 3 years old. She's also done Nina and Granny's hair for nearly 30 years. We were all there...including Papa and Grandad. It was a big day. It was a 4th generation day!!! You were such a big girl and barely even moved. Once it was cut, you looked like such a big girl. It made mommy a little sad. Where did my little baby go?
You love your family and friends. Kaden is your best friend. You truly look up to him and he is always looking after you. You have an amazingly big heart. You always make sure everybody is okay. I'll never forget walking in the door after work and hearing you say, "Hi Mommy! I missed you today!" It made my heart melt. And of course the "I love yous" are indescribable.
You love your daddy. At night you always tell him, "Daddy, let's wrestle." You're so fragile and "girly" that it makes me so nervous when you rough house with the boys. But you hold your own. You're getting braver every day.
You still have your moments of being scared to death of things. I'll have to post a YouTube video of the night two birds got in our house. You were so scared. Afterwards though, you made everybody think you weren't scared at all. Too bad it was all caught on tape.
I can not begin to tell you how much joy you have brought into our lives. You are the little girl I always dreamed of. You're way better than my dreams. It's not even a close race. I will never forget the day when we found out we were having a baby girl. It was surreal. I will never forget the day you came into our lives on this day, 2:03 p.m. How blessed we were and are. You have made me a better person. I love you sooo very much sweet baby girl. Happy 2nd Birthday!
New Address!!
12 years ago
Happy Birthday Raegan!!!
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